WCDSB Mission and Vision
Our Mission:
Our Vision:
WCDSB Code of Conduct:
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board recognizes the inherent dignity and worth of the individual. All individuals concerned with the school system -trustees, staff, students, parents, visitors to schools –are subject to the following code of conduct; a code of conduct that will be implemented within the Catholic faith life experience of each school community and consistent with the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, the Safe School’s provisions of the Education Act and Regulations and the constitutional right of Catholic school boards to manage their schools as stated through section 93 of the Constitution Act, 1867. APC 018 Code of Conduct
EQAO Results
- For up-to-date information on school bus delays, cancellations and school closures, please visit the Student Transportation Services website: www.stswr.ca
At St. Margaret Catholic Elementary School we welcome parents / guardians who would like to volunteer at the school. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your child’s teacher or the principal. We are grateful for any time you can share with us.