St Margaret Christmas Concert December 20th REMINDER
Dear Families,
You are invited to attend a Christmas Concert presented to you by the students of St. Margaret. The concert is quickly approaching! In order to help make our concert a huge success, there is some important information for you to read below.
This year, our concert will take place in our gymnasium on Wednesday December 20th.
The Primary concert will start at 1:00pm for Kindergarten-Grade 3/4 classes as well as Glee Club.
The Junior/Intermediate concert will continue at 2:00pm with the Grade 4/5-Grade 8 classes and Glee club performing.
Please DO NOT arrive until 12:45 as the students will be outside for lunch recess and the parking lot will be closed. There will be ample parking on the blacktop area once the students enter the school after recess. If you have mobility restrictions and need to arrive through the front door earlier, contact the office. Everyone else will enter through the Primary doorway by the gymnasium.
We have divided the concert into two parts to allow for more spectators. If you have children in both shows, you may remain at school in the gymnasium. Please do not leave mid concert as it will disrupt the performances. If you are signing out your child after the concert, you must go to the office to do so; students will be in their classrooms and will not be watching the afternoon concert (the entire school will be performing in the morning for each other).
We are very excited about our Christmas Concert this year. All of the classes have been working hard to prepare for this festive event. Thank you so much for your cooperation to help our concert run smoothly. We hope to see all of you out on December 20th!
Merry Christmas!
From the Christmas Concert Coordinators