Yearly Archives: 2024

Track and Field Reminders-Wednesday May 15th

Grade 4-8 Parent/Guardians,

Please review all Track and Field notes and reminders that have been sent home with your child, as well as those that have been posted on Newswire.  Students need to return their permission forms by tomorrow Friday May 10th.

We are still in need of VOLUNTEERS; if you would like to assist us for the day, please email your child’s classroom teacher.  You will need to complete a volunteer form and police check.  If you are coming to St. Benedict’s to be a spectator, you do not need to complete this form. 

IMPORTANT: Many students still do not have the proper “Concussion Code of Conduct” forms filled out from SchoolCash Online…they will NOT be able to participate if they are not complete.


Catholic Education and Mental Health Week: Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday May 8th themes Include:

We are called to LOVE as People of MERCY and Visualization and Distraction Strategies

*Antonio will be our PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY!

*Grades 4 to 8 Track and Field Rotations 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.


Thursday May 9th themes Include:

We are called to LOVE as People of JUSTICE and Thinking Trap Strategies

*9:30 a.m. May Crowning in the gym with Father Joe. Parents are welcome to attend.

*12 -3:00 p.m.   Grades 2 – 6 walking to Christ the King for a school play

*5:30 -7:00 p.m. ‘Social Media’ Guest presenter at St. Benedict SS (see poster)

*No Grades 4 to 8 Track and Field Rotations 2:30 – 3:15 p.m. It resumes Monday May 13th.

Catholic Education Mental Wellness Week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday May 7th themes include:

We are called to LOVE as People of FAITH and Outdoor Yoga (Muscle Relaxation Strategies)

*Parents are welcome to join us at 9:10 a.m. for a Folk Dance presentation in the gym

*Folk Dancers present at 7:00 p.m. at Galt Arena

Wednesday May 8th themes include:

We are called to LOVE as People of MERCY and Visualization and Distraction Strategies

Antonio will be our PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY!

*Grades 4 to 8 Track and Field Rotations 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.

Catholic Education and Mental Wellness Week 2024

Overall Theme Prayer for Catholic Education Week 2024

Catholic Education Week Prayer

God who is love,

Love is our calling, and the goal for which you have made us.

As we celebrate Catholic Education Week,

may our love in action reveal to our world that we are people of justice and mercy.

May our daily words and example show clearly that we are people of faith and hope.

In the ways we reflect you daily,

may everyone recognize us as people of joy.

Help us to never forget how much you love us,

and to cherish your life within us,

which gives energy and direction to our loving.

May we hear your call to love generously and inclusively,

and may we call our world to be more loving also.

All of this we ask in the name of Jesus, our Friend and our Lord.


Monday May 6th themes Include:

We are called to LOVE as People of HOPE and Deep Breathing, Meditation (Breathing Strategies)

*We welcome 9 students from Colombia, joining our grade 5 to 7 classes

*We welcome Dairy Educators into our class today.

*Grades 4 to 8 begin Track and Field Rotations

Tuesday May 7th themes Include:

We are called to LOVE as People of FAITH and Outdoor Yoga (Muscle Relaxation Strategies)

*Parents are welcome to join us at 9:10 a.m. for a Folk Dance presentation in the gym

*Folk Dancers present at 7:00 p.m. at Galt Arena

Track and Field Day for Grades 4-8 on May 15th

Dear St. Margaret Parents/Guardians of Grade 4-8 students:

Our Track and Field Day is quickly approaching!  An important note and permission form will be sent home tomorrow for this event.

The students have begun training during gym and they will begin school-wide track rotations every day next week.   St. Margaret’s staff and students are looking forward to this very exciting day!  We want all students to have fun and take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the track meet at St. Benedict’s on Wednesday May 15th.  Students will choose 4 events and are expected to participate in all four.

Here are some important notes and reminders:

  • We are still in need of volunteers; if you would like to assist us for the day, please email your child’s classroom teacher (see the attached Track and Field Volunteers form)
  • All students need to come prepared with the following: a trash free lunch, reusable water bottles, appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather, sunscreen, hat, rain jacket, etc. (our track meet will run rain or shine!)
  • Students will start the day at school with regular bell time and attendance procedures, and walk to St. Benedict’s with their classes.  At the end of the track meet, all students will walk back together for regular dismissal (please see the attached schedule for the events)
  • If a parent/guardian is picking up a student at the end of the track meet, you MUST communicate with the classroom teacher in advance. Under NO circumstances should students be leaving St. Benedict’s property for lunch and all students will return to St. Margaret’s at the end of the day unless their parent/guardian is there to pick them up (a note/text/phone call is NOT sufficient)
  • No student will be allowed in the St. Benedict playground/basketball area and must remain in our designated area for watching the track events
  • Students will only be permitted to enter St. Benedict’s School for washroom breaks and must ask permission from the designated supervisor


Track & Field Volunteers

Track Note Home 2024

Track and Field Schedule of Events

Catholic Education and Mental Health Week May 6th to 10th 2024

Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week May 6th to 10th, 2024

Mental Health Week:

Every day, educators and students are exposed to big and small challenges that can contribute to feelings of stress. Educators and students continue to rise to the challenge in innovative and creative ways, connecting and building meaningful relationships with students and families. Providing opportunities for students to understand how their brains and bodies are impacted by stress, and for explicit skill development is an essential part of bolstering positive student mental health. As an educator, it is equally important to prioritize your own well-being. There are strategies that we can practice regulating our emotions and to improve our ability to cope in challenging moments. Learning these skills is an important part of improving and caring for our positive mental health. Mental Health Week provides a great opportunity for practice.

 Catholic Education Week:

This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is, “We are Called to Love.”

There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:

Monday:              As people of hope / Dans l’espérance

Tuesday:              As people of faith / Dans la foi

Wednesday:        As people of mercy / Avec compassion

Thursday:            As people of justice / Dans la justice

Friday:                  As people of joy / Dans la joie


Some activities include:

Daily Mental Wellness lessons and coping strategies

Grades 4 – 8 beginning Track and Field practice rotations.

Principal for the Day TBD – Antonio

Grade 7 and 8 Speech Competitions

Grades 2 – 6 walk to performance at Christ The King

Grades 6 – 8 Fiddlesticks Youth Committee Dance: Summer Bash Fri. May 10th from 7 to 10 p.m.


Parents are invited to join us:

– Tuesday May 7th at 9:10 a.m. School wide Folk-Dance Presentation

– Tuesday May 7th at 7:00 p.m. at Galt Arena Gardens for Cambridge Folk Dance presentation

– Thursday May 9th at 6 to 7:00 p.m. for Dr. Alison Yeung presentation at St. Benedict SS

– Thursday May 9th at 9:30 a.m. for a school wide May Crowning lead by Father Joe in the gym

– Friday May 10th all day for Jump Rope for Heart activities at the school (classes will post their times)

-Friday May 10th from 7 to 10:00 p.m. Fiddlesticks Youth Committee Dance: Summer Bash Grades 6 to 8


We hope to see many of you during our school celebrations!

Your St. Margaret Staff






Participation in Year-End Sports/Track Meet

All students and parents who have not yet filled in the “Concussion Code of Conduct” found in School CashOnline WILL NOT be able to participate in the various sports and track activities coming up for May and June (Intermediate Soccer, Junior 3-Pitch, Track and Field, Cross Country, etc.).

Please log into your child’s School CashOnline page and review if you have completed these essential forms!


Spirit Day Friday May 3rd-DIVERSITY DAY!

This Friday’s Spirit Day is DIVERSITY DAY!

What is Diversity Day?

At St. Margaret’s this Friday May 3rd, we are going to celebrate our uniqueness and differences as a school community!

Students can bring anything that represents their cultural background. For example: small items, flags, souvenirs, photos, or anything that you think can represent your culture best! You can even wear clothing to represent your culture or bring in a small food item to share with classmates!

Classrooms may be doing various activities in class and students will be given an opportunity to share their items or even just talk about their cultural background if an item could not be brought in.  If food items are brought into class, they MUST be NUT FREE!

Let’s celebrate what an awesome DIVERSE community we have!

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