Monthly Archives: June 2023

Revised Fiddlesticks Youth Dance


Scottie Families:

Fiddlesticks Youth Committee has been planning a summer themed Youth Dance.

The dance will take place on Friday June 23th at 7:00-10:00pm in the gym at St. Margaret’s Catholic School for those in grades 6-8.

If you would like to purchase a ticket,  swing by Fiddlesticks Community Centre located at 71 Cowan boulevard between 3:30-5:00pm everyday on the week of the dance; Monday June 19th  to Friday June 23rd.

Tickets will be $5.00 for admission, and pizza, refreshments, and snacks will be available for purchase at the dance. We coco-can-nut wait to see all of your funky Hawaiian shirts, leis, cool sunglasses, and more!

Water you waiting for?!

Fiddlesticks Youth Committee Dance for Grades 6-8

Scottie Families:

Fiddlesticks Youth Committee has been planning a summer themed Youth Dance.

The dance will take place on Friday June 13th at 7:00-10:00pm in the gym at St. Margaret’s Catholic School for those in grades 6-8.

If you would like to purchase a ticket,  swing by Fiddlesticks Community Centre located at 71 Cowan boulevard between 3:30-5:00pm everyday on the week of the dance; Monday June 19th  to Friday June 23rd.

Tickets will be $5.00 for admission, and pizza, refreshments, and snacks will be available for purchase at the dance. We coco-can-nut wait to see all of your funky Hawaiian shirts, leis, cool sunglasses, and more!

Water you waiting for?!

PD Day Reminder for Friday June 2nd

St. Margaret Families:

Just a reminder that tomorrow Friday June 2nd is a Professional Development Day for Staff and NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!

Month Of June Focus

June is the month traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which for Catholics is a sign and symbol of God’s boundless and passionate love for all humanity. The month of June is also designated as PRIDE month in Waterloo region and across Ontario. This month, and each and every month, our Catholic schools are committed to nurturing safe and inclusive learning environments where every student and every member of the community is welcomed, valued, and respected.

As Catholics, we believe that we are all made in the image and likeness of a God who created us and loves us unconditionally – just as we are. We are called to know, love, and celebrate one another, just as God knows, loves, and celebrates each one of us because we are wonderfully made. We honour the inherent dignity in each other by treating one another with sensitivity, compassion, and respect.

For the month of June the Pride Flag will be raised beside our Canadian Flag.

Called to Belong Prayer

Creating God, out of your great love you created all things. After the flood you crafted the rainbow and placed it in the sky as a reminder that you love everything and everyone you have created.

Yes, each individual colour of the rainbow is beautiful but its true beauty is found in the way that the colours are beautiful together. We are all called to belong, and we are most beautiful when we are together.

As human beings you crafted each of us in unique, distinctive and wonderful ways. No matter how you created us, we are all made in your image and likeness.

May all of your children come together and hold hands in peace and harmony. May we all work together for a world where acceptance, equity, justice, and celebration are possible for every person.

As the love of Jesus on the Cross extended to all people, by the power of your Holy Spirit may we love and embrace everyone in the same way.


Fr. Joseph de Viveiros C.R.

Summer Boost 2022-23 SK Spots still available

Summer Boost 2022-23

SK Spots still available

Registration Closes June 8th!

Great News! We still have spots available in the following grades.

  • Cambridge – St. Peter – 5 Senior Kindergarten spots

Beginning July 3rd, the WCDSB will be offering 15 days of in-person FREE Literacy and Numeracy learning support for students currently in SK to Grade 6 inclusive through the Summer Boost program.

If you are interested in bridging the gaps in learning, making new friends online, honing your Literacy and Numeracy skills through fun and engaging activities, learning more about mental health and resiliency as well as weekly STEM challenges then Summer Boost is for YOU!

To Register or for more Information
Select the Summer Learning Portal

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